Margery Clay
Margery Clay
Margery Clay was born in Norfolk, Virginia and received a bachelor of Art degree from the Corcoran School of Art in Washingrton, D.C. She moved to Paris in 1988 and for many years has divided her time between Krakow and Paris. She has exhibitied internationally in Europe as well as Japan. Her work is notably in the collection of the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris.
Windham College, Putney, Vermont,
Corcoran School of Art, Washington, D.C.
Bachelor of Fine Arts, BFA, 1983
Exhibitions Individual:
2000 Provinciaal Centrum voor Beeldende Kunsten- Begijnhof,"Au fur et à mesure”, Hasselt, Belgium´'
1996 Mois de Photo Off, Paris
1996 Lycée Professional Salvadore Allende
Bethume, France
1995 La Laverie, Espace Photographique,Paris
Exhibtions Collective:
2017 Galerie du Canon, Toulon, France
2003 Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
2000 L'Espace Jean Legendre, Compiegne, France
2000 L'Espace Henri Matisse, Creil, France
1998 Galerie Accatone, Paris
1997 “Photographie au Présent”, Bibliotheque Nationale de France, Paris
1997 Salon Montrouge, Paris
1995 Galerie Accatone, Paris
1992 Biennale d'Art Contemporain des Pays Francophones, Senart, France
1991 Société Française de Photographie, Paris
1990 Galerie Aunkon, Osaka, Japan
1996 Collection Photographieque de Mois-Off, L'Artotheque de Compiegne, France
1996 Bibliotheque Nationale de France, Paris
1992 L'Artotheque de Senart, France
1992 Société Française de Photographie, Paris
Selected Documentation, cover and photos
2019 Abril literary review, Luxembourg
2017 Dodho Magazine, “Buildings”
2017 “Les Promenades Urbaines de Margery Clay”, L'Oeil de la Photographie, May 31
2014 Transkrit Literary Review, April, Luxembourg
2012 Film “ White Powder on Glass”, directed by Marek Szczesny, filmed by Alexander Edeleman, Paris
2008 Biuletyn Fotograficzny, “ Swiatobrazu, Portfolio “ Paris, Krakow, Paris ”, text by Tomasz Ferenc, number 9
2001 Private Photgraphy Magazine, “Chouff Paris 200”, number 19, Bologna, Italy
2001 Abril Literary Review, Luxembourg cover photo
2004 Abril, Luxembourg, cover
1998 Private Photography Magazine, “Saint Denis”number 13, Bologna, Italy